Program Requirement
Program Requirement
To obtain the Minor in Sustainability Science, you should take at least two credits from the compulsory courses with * mark, two credits from Field Exercise in Sustainability Science, and more than one credit from Seminar on Sustainability Science (5+ credits in all).
For GPSS-GLI compulsory courses, just registration on UTAS is enough.
For Seminar on Sustainability Science and Field exercise on Sustainability Science, please register at by the deadline shown in each semester, in addition to the Course registration through UTAS.
For Field exercise on Sustainability Science, please join a guidance session for Field Exercise Courses held at the beginning of A1/A2 semester.
When you have fulfilled the requirements, please submit the "certificate application form" to the contact address.
Participating in research presentation seminar of GPSS-GLI. For earning one credit (Seminar on Sustainability Science I), you must participate in the seminar every Friday during one semester and make research presentation once in the semester. You can earn one more credit (Seminar on Sustainability Science II) by joining in another semester.
Objectives are
For joining this course, register at the Google online form (shown above) by the deadline announced at the beginning of each semester.
Exercise course to obtain practical skills required for practicing sustainability science across academia and real society
Please join the guidance for exercise courses held in the beginning of October (details will be announced later).
For GPSS-GLI compulsory courses, just registration on UTAS is enough.Registration
For Seminar on Sustainability Science and Field exercise on Sustainability Science, please register at by the deadline shown in each semester, in addition to the Course registration through UTAS.
For Field exercise on Sustainability Science, please join a guidance session for Field Exercise Courses held at the beginning of A1/A2 semester.
When you have fulfilled the requirements, please submit the "certificate application form" to the contact address.
Subject List
Subject List
GPSS-GLI Compulsory Course
Proactive Environmental Studies I (2 credits)*
Sustainability Science: Japanese Perspectives (2 credits)*
Seminar on Sustainability Science I/II (1 credit each)
Participating in research presentation seminar of GPSS-GLI. For earning one credit (Seminar on Sustainability Science I), you must participate in the seminar every Friday during one semester and make research presentation once in the semester. You can earn one more credit (Seminar on Sustainability Science II) by joining in another semester.
Objectives are
- to become able to grasp a whole picture of sustainability science by hearing diverse presentations on different academic fields related with sustainability science and sustainable development.
- to have skills required for contributing to sustainable development in the international society by making mutual discussion with students and faculty from all over the world and by making a presentation for explaining the significance of your research so that people from other disciplines can well understand.
For joining this course, register at the Google online form (shown above) by the deadline announced at the beginning of each semester.
Field Exercise on Sustainability Science
Exercise course to obtain practical skills required for practicing sustainability science across academia and real society
Please join the guidance for exercise courses held in the beginning of October (details will be announced later).
GPSS-GLIが毎週金曜日に英語で実施している研究セミナーに学期を通して参加する。GPSS-GLIで実施されている様々な研究発表に触れることで、学問分野の垣根を越えて広がるサステイナビリティ関連課題の全体像を俯瞰できるようになることを目指す。世界中から集まる学生と英語で質疑をおこない議論をおこなう英語道場(Seminar on Sustainability Science)であり、国際社会でプロフェッショナルとして活躍するためのトレーニングとなる。学期に1度自分の研究を英語で、他分野の人にわかるように発表します。グローバルな視点から自身が取り組む環境学課題を俯瞰することのできる人材の養成を目指す。1学期1単位、通算2単位(2学期分)を認定することが出来る。参加したい学期冒頭に指定される締切までにオンラインフォームに登録すること。
プロアクティブ環境学I (2単位)*
日本から見たサステイナビリティ学 (2単位)*
サステイナビリティ学セミナー I/II (各1単位)
GPSS-GLIが毎週金曜日に英語で実施している研究セミナーに学期を通して参加する。GPSS-GLIで実施されている様々な研究発表に触れることで、学問分野の垣根を越えて広がるサステイナビリティ関連課題の全体像を俯瞰できるようになることを目指す。世界中から集まる学生と英語で質疑をおこない議論をおこなう英語道場(Seminar on Sustainability Science)であり、国際社会でプロフェッショナルとして活躍するためのトレーニングとなる。学期に1度自分の研究を英語で、他分野の人にわかるように発表します。グローバルな視点から自身が取り組む環境学課題を俯瞰することのできる人材の養成を目指す。1学期1単位、通算2単位(2学期分)を認定することが出来る。参加したい学期冒頭に指定される締切までにオンラインフォームに登録すること。
サステイナビリティ学実習 (2単位)